Monday, July 29, 2013

Hi, everyone who maybe following this blog.  The book is signed off and ready to go, but marketing will not talk to me until the book is "live" (actually out there for sale).  Can you believe it? I don't have the materials to present to bookstores, etc., nor can I talk to the publisher about a marketing program until the book is physically up for sale.  You would think a marketing plan would be in place by time that happened.  My mouth is wide open!  I just want to write.  Let this process just go away like a bad dream! 

Not to toot my own horn, but everyone (kids and adults) who have read this book has said it was great. Of course there were helpful comments that I appreciated, but all comments have been positive  I am so anxious to see what you all,or you guys (I was born and raised in New York State), have to say about it.  Let me hear from you once this book is "live"!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

07/25/2013 Take a look

 Take a look!  I wanted this cover to be intriguing, but not too scary.  The artist got the look of Kermode bears pretty good.  I can't wait to get the second book to the editor.  It is almost ready. 

I am frustrated with how long this is all taking.  Hurry to make decisions and then wait.  But if you all like the book, it will be worth it.

My granddaughter just call and I have to pick her up to take her to work so I have to go. 

Hey, if anyone has ideas on business cards or comments on the cover please e-mail me or comment on this blog. 

Thanks!  Donna