Happy New Year! Hope you all had a good break from school. I had loads of fun. The younger children in my family did my Christmas show for everyone. It was a success! The oldest did a poem that I wrote. The they all sang Did You Hear What I hear, Rudolph, did a dance number to Louie Armstrong's Is that you Santa Claus. It was a grand ending when everyone sang Feliz Navidad and pranced around the room wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. We played games, had a good meal and loved being together.
The kids where dressed as elves with sparkly green shirts, red bottoms, and a great hat.
The most important thing was they all had tons of fun.
This New Year is going to be great! I want to hear about all your plans. You can send me messages privately on this site. If you can't email me at d.scozzari@yahoo.com.
It was suggested that I do a charity event. My favorite charities have to do with helping kids. Maybe we can contribute to sending my books to children's hospitals or underprivileged schools. I would love to hear about your ideas. Let your parents know what you want to send first.
Talk to you soon and remember to wear your armor and to follow your dreams and see what happens!
D. Scozzari