Thursday, December 24, 2015

The conclusion

Christmas Eve Day everyone’s parents were busy with shopping, wrapping, cooking.  Tom, Mark, John, and Sasha were not interested in those kid of things, but they did like playing basketball.  They all met at the court at 10AM so they could play a bit before the family called them home. It was almost 30 minutes that they had been playing when they saw the jets fly over their heads towards the old base.
Sasha immediately yelled, “Let’s go! This could be fun!” She ran off to her bike and jumped on it.  Looking over her shoulders she looked at the boys and said impatiently, “Are you coming or what?”
The three boys got on their bikes and followed Sasha over to the base.  When they got nearby they parked their bikes in some bushes and covered them up good.  At the entrance they could see many trucks going in the base and jets were landing in turn onto the small air field.  They snuck down to the fencing and saw the fence was electrified and had cameras watching the perimeter of the base.  They needed to get in there. 
Then Tom saw that a camera was out down about 10 yards.  They crawled under the brush over to that point and saw that there was an area that had been cut out of the fence big enough for them to crawl under. Mark didn’t even hesitate, a bit crawled under the fence without touching it. The other three followed suit! They all ran low and stayed behind buildings and vehicles until they got to the building where all the activity was going on.  There was a side door, but there was no way they could get inside.
Then Tom whispered, ‘Look!”  I need to see what or who is in that truck coming from the jet to this building.”
“Well how are you going to do that?” asked John.
Sasha responded, “Follow me.”
Off she went creeping in the long grass to get a closer look.  When the all followed her, they could see that there was an empty portable building that would give them cover.  Nobody was using it.
John peeped around the corner and yelled, “Oh my God!” 
The others looked too and their eyes and mouths couldn’t get any more open. What they all saw was a box getting carried out of the truck that came from the jet.  The box was shinny and glimmered like it was made from some metal not found on this earth.  Everyone was in suits, masks, and the works.  They were acting like it was radioactive or a chemical weapon of something! 
The friends said on the ground next to the building where they could not be seen.  Mark said, “This must be from another world!
Sasha said, “No, I think it is a treasure found from the other side of the world.”
Tom added, “It is a new kind of weapon that the scientists developed.  They are going to test it on our town!’
John shook his head, “In a way you are all right, but so very wrong.  It is from another world – God’s world.  It is a treasure, because it has supernatural powers! It is a weapon, but not what you all are thinking.  Look at the box.  It has inscriptions of the Ten Commandments, of the trails of Jesus, and of the four spirit beings that are to come at the end of our world.  Do you see that it also has a light symbol coming from the sky!  That is the second coming of Christ!  Don’t you get it?  Are you ready?”
But John”, Sasha said, “The Bible never talks about a box like this! You have it all wrong.”
John responded, “I know the Bible never talks about a box like this, but men do what they think is the right thing.  And these men are convinced that whatever they have will fight the terrorists and Satan.  They want to make Christ come back to fight for us!” 
Ok, then how did they manage to get such a box and bring it here?” asked Mark.
Before anyone could respond the sky got really dark and a light shown.  The noise sounded and Tom got that feeling again. As they all were looking upward, the solders found them. They were all taken toward a different building and John calmly said, “This is not the time.  You all have it wrong.  It is time when God says it is time.”
John then just disappeared. Some of the soldiers disappeared too. The others took there opportunity to go back out the way they came and jump on their bikes.  They paused for a second looking at John’s bike.  Then off they went.
Tom let everyone to his house. He ran into his house to speak to his Aunt, but she was gone.  Her tea was hot, the TV was on, and her blanket lay on her chair.  Tom saw a note on the table by her chair. 
The note said, “Tom I asked you if you were ready.  But God told me that you are to learn and lead others during the difficult times that lay ahead.  I am fine.  You must be diligent and study the Bible carefully before they take it away. This is the beginning.  Get ready fast, my young man.  I know that your life will be hard and completely unexpected, but I also know that I will see you on the other side.  The Lord God is with you.”
Sasha, Mark, and Tom just dropped in a chair and put their heads in their hands.  The Tom spoke up, “She was not just an old lady.  Aunt Mae and John knew and were ready.  I didn’t take them seriously.  Now I have a job to do. “
Sasha and Mark just got up without a word and left the house, leaving Tom alone with his thoughts. A small light shown through the ceiling and light up Tom’s being. It only lasted a second and then it was gone. Tom’s sisters came down from upstairs and asked, “What happened to Aunt Mae and Mom?” 
Tom’s Dad walked in the front door and said, “There are a few people from all over the world that have just disappeared. Are you all right?”
Tom told his Dad that his friend John, Aunt Mae, and Mom were all gone. His father started to cry.  Tom went over to his sisters and Dad and they hugged. Tom said, “It will be alright, we were not ready, but we are going to get ready and see this to the end. We just have to pay attention to the world; seeing it with spiritual eyes. There are not more chances left. We must get and stay ready no matter what.”
One of Tom’s sisters asked, “Ready for what?”
Tom relied, “For the change that the world must go through to oust Satan and welcome our God with open arms, no matter what it takes.  We will be persecuted, but we will know the end of the story. We must stay faithful. We must stay faithful. What a special Christmas this is.”

Friday, December 18, 2015

What is wrong and what is right

A week or so had passed.  Tom, John, Sasha, and Mark had walked back and forth from school and talked from time to time, but never about the feelings or the noise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was Friday now and the whole weekend was before them.  It was cold out but clear and crisp.  Great weather to play ball.  Tom, John, Mark, and Sasha agreed to meet at the basketball courts at school Saturday morning at 9AM.  Right now, Tom went home to a dollar store with John to buy his family some Christmas presents. As they got to the store they split up doing their own shopping.  Sisters, Tom thought, I have to buy for my sisters.  He went in the hair and makeup section. Picking out some things he turned the corner to get something for his parents and heard a group of three girls talking. Tom stepped back so he would not be seen.  The conversation went like this.

Girl with blue sweater “Well I heard my parent talking about a military installation being opened up again over on route 102.  It was the old base from World War II.  I wonder why they are opening it up.”

Girl with the brown boots, “You remember all the talk a week ago about some strange kind of feeling and a weird noise some people heard? I think it has to do with that.  There is something going on that they are not telling us!”

Girl with the blond bangs, “It just doesn’t make sense. What kind of “feeling” could produce such a reaction?  I don’t think one thing has to do with the other, but I did over hear something myself.”

Girl with brown boots, “Ok mystery girl with the answers, what did you hear?”

Girl with the blond bangs, “I heard some police men talking on the street.  They were whispering, but didn’t see that I was right there behind the tree.”

Girl with blue sweater, “So what did they say. ‘Nice day today, isn’t it?”

“No, that is not what they said silly.” girl with blond bangs retorted, “They were talking about that if things get anymore intense they were going to get their families out of town for the holidays.” 

“That is the word they used, intense?” asked the girl with the blue sweater.

“Oh yes, they sure did, the world was intense.  No doubt about it, that was the word they used.” Clarified the girl with the blond bags.

“Does anyone know someone who actually heard those noises? Asked the girl with the brown boots.

“I felt the feelings and know people who heard the noise at the same exact time.” It was Tom coming around the corner. “My friends and I were talking about the Bible, and Satan, and aliens from space.  We couldn’t come up with an explanation. My aunt felt the feelings too!”

What kind of Bible Satan story are you talking about?” inquired the girl with the blue sweater, “What does that have to do with opening up a base?”

“I don’t know but here is my friend. Hey John come over hear a minute, would yaw?” Tom motioned John to join the group.

John came over and said hi, with his eyes looking at the floor.  “What do you want Tom?”

“I want you to tell these girls your theory about the Bible and the noises and feelings.” Tom requested.

The girls chimed in together, “Please give us you theory.  We are hearing all kinds of things that don’t make sense and the army is opening up that old base on route 102.  It is all very hush, hush.”

Just then Mark walked into the store and overheard the girls, “Really, you want to hear that rubbish. Did you hear they are opening the old World War II army base?  I bet that they are doing experiments there and need the army to guard whatever they are doing.  That is where the noise came from and the noise was supersonic.  That’s what caused the feelings! Part of the noise that was so high that it caused some people to hear something and others did not hear a thing! Well that’s what I think.”

Tom interjected, “We were just asking John to explain his point of view.  Everyone this is Mark.  Now John tell us all what you said last week when we were talking.”

To be continued…..


John explained, “I’d rather not say right now.  You all will laugh at me.”

The girls chimed in, “No we will not! Everyone else has a theory.  Let’s hear yours.”

John looked down to the ground and tried to sound confident, “I believe in the Bible. We are fixne to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birthday.  That is what Christmas is all about.  It’s not about who can give the best gift.  It’s about giving.  That is what Christ did.  He came down and was born in a baby’s body.  That is very cool!  Then he lived his life among man until they put him to death on the cross.  But instead of being dead, dead, he paid the price for our sins so we can talk to God directly by rising from the dead and ascending back to heaven.  You see I really believe this, and you should too.

But the thing is that Satan doesn’t want God to be THE GOD.  He wants to take control even though he never made anything except chaos.  And making chaos and lying is what he is good at. But this is all spiritual. “

“Ok”, responded Mark in his Scottish accent, “We in Scotland are Christians too.  There are a lot of spiritual or ghostly things that happen in Scotland that people say are caused by bad spirits or demons.  Those spirits that work for Satan are to blame.”

John continued, “I know that a lot of things that go on are explainable without any spirit activity involved.  But I know that Satan is active and people who talk of ghosts just give him the camouflage he needs to get away with what he is doing without anyone really believing he is around.”

Tom asked, “So John, do you think is going on?”

“You know that the military secretly opening up that old military base, the talk of aliens, and terrorists, or spooky Halloween type ghosts being involved?”  John continued, “All that is wrong. I know because Satan just wants to distract us from worshiping the Christ’s birthday.”

Sasha was getting impatient and said, “Satan and ghosts – it is all the same thing.  I’m tired of this talking in circles. Be plain speaking John or stop talking!”

Well I can’t be plain speaking because I don’t exactly know what Satan is up to, but I do know it is him.  The evil spiritual forces are entering this world of ours and causing havic.”

“Ok I’m going home and imp not meeting for basketball tomorrow.  I have to go with my family and visit Old Russian families that live nearby.” And in saying that Sasha turned on her heal and left.

The girls that were talking about the military base let too.  Tom, Mark, and John started to walk home.

Mark asked, “Do you really believe all that stuff you were talking about, John?”

John responded quietly, “Yes, I really do believe.”  Nothing else was said, as they walked home in silence.



The last school week had started and all the kids were being tested.  It was not fun, but after the tests were over, Christmas break started! Two whole weeks of freedom!

The military base was actually being reopened and there were army trucks, jeeps, Humvees, and army helicopters on the move all over the village. The kids all ran out after school to see what was going on that day. Adults were even gathered in front of stores or on street corners talking about what might be happening.  The question of course was, “Why?”

Thursday was the last day of school.  Christmas was Monday.  It just seemed that the spirit of Christmas was being replaced with the talk of the army moving in.  Tom and Mark left school together and as they were walking home that feeling came over Tom again.  Mark said, “Listen to that noise!  What is it? I thought this was over because the army was here.”

Just then Sasha ran up to them, “Did you hear that noise?  Did you hear it?  Well did you?”

Mark exclaimed, “Oh yes we heard it and Tom has one of his feelings again. Let’s go get John and go to Tom’s house to talk to his Aunt. Maybe she can explain to us what is going on.”

They all agreed, got ahold of John and the four of them went to Tom’s house to talk to his Aunt. When the go there Tom’s great aunt was in the Livingroom sitting in her special chair. She was listening to a news bulletin on TV about the noise.  “I’m glad you are hear Tom.  Boys come on in.  I need to know if you are ready.” Aunt Mae just spit it out as if they all knew what she was taking about.

Tom inquired gently, “Aunt Mae, what are you talking about when you ask if we are ready?  What does that mean?”

Aunt Mae stared had him for a whole minutes, then she said, “I know two of you are from other countries. Both of you should understand me.” 

Sasha and Mark just looked at each other and shook their heads no.  Tom said to his aunt, “I’m sorry Aunt Mae, but we really have no idea of what’s going on or what you mean by if we are ready. Could you please just tell us?”

“All right,” she said, “you must be too young or don’t know your history very well. Settle in, now.”

Aunt Mae settle in her chair herself and began, “Hundreds of years ago there was a favored man in God’s eyes.  He had two sons.  One son was chosen by God but the other one was born to be argumentative. Both sons had many of their own children, worshiped God, and loved their father. The father was asked to sacrifice his son for his God and was going to do it. At the last minute God stopped the father and loved the father all the more.

Once some time had passed the generations after the argumentative son became unruly. They did what they wanted and ignored God’s will.  These people, over time, still worshiped a god, but it was no longer The God.  Instead they followed their own god, who was actually Satan. This great people thought they were worshiping The God in their own ways.  They even had prophets, but they were not The God’s people anymore.

At the same time the other son’s family grew to a nation and becomes disobedient too.  There were many that still followed The God.  So over time, God sent them his son to live as a man and to die as a man.

Aunt Mae took a drink of water. You see that father was willing to sacrifice his son and The God was willing to do the same to make things right between Him and His people.  That son was named Jesus and it is who we celebrate at Christmas and Easter.  You too from the old country learned of this before we did in the Americas.  The group of people that descended from the argumentative son are the ones that stir up all this bombing and such now. So the question is are you ready?”

John asked the next question, “Ready for what?”

Aunt Mae just mumbled, “Are you ready? “falling asleep in her chair.

To be continued…….finished next week!!!!!!!!!!!



Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What is wrong and what is right?

A week or so had passed.  Tom, John, Sasha, and Mark had walked back and forth from school and talked from time to time, but never about the feelings or the noise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was Friday now and the whole weekend was before them.  It was cold out but clear and crisp.  Great weather to play ball.  Tom, John, Mark, and Sasha agreed to meet at the basketball courts at school Saturday morning at 9AM.  Right now, Tom went home to a dollar store with John to buy his family some Christmas presents. As they got to the store they split up doing their own shopping.  Sisters, Tom thought, I have to buy for my sisters.  He went in the hair and makeup section. Picking out some things he turned the corner to get something for his parents and heard a group of three girls talking. Tom stepped back so he would not be seen.  The conversation went like this.

Girl with blue sweater “Well I heard my parent talking about a military installation being opened up again over on route 102.  It was the old base from World War II.  I wonder why they are opening it up.”

Girl with the brown boots, “You remember all the talk a week ago about some strange kind of feeling and a weird noise some people heard? I think it has to do with that.  There is something going on that they are not telling us!”

Girl with the blond bangs, “It just doesn’t make sense. What kind of “feeling” could produce such a reaction?  I don’t think one thing has to do with the other, but I did over hear something myself.”

Girl with brown boots, “Ok mystery girl with the answers, what did you hear?”

Girl with the blond bangs, “I heard some police men talking on the street.  They were whispering, but didn’t see that I was right there behind the tree.”

Girl with blue sweater, “So what did they say. ‘Nice day today, isn’t it?”

“No, that is not what they said silly.” girl with blond bangs retorted, “They were talking about that if things get anymore intense they were going to get their families out of town for the holidays.” 

“That is the word they used, intense?” asked the girl with the blue sweater.

“Oh yes, they sure did, the world was intense.  No doubt about it, that was the word they used.” Clarified the girl with the blond bags.

“Does anyone know someone who actually heard those noises? Asked the girl with the brown boots.

“I felt the feelings and know people who heard the noise at the same exact time.” It was Tom coming around the corner. “My friends and I were talking about the Bible, and Satan, and aliens from space.  We couldn’t come up with an explanation. My aunt felt the feelings too!”

What kind of Bible Satan story are you talking about?” inquired the girl with the blue sweater, “What does that have to do with opening up a base?”

“I don’t know but here is my friend. Hey John come over hear a minute, would yaw?” Tom motioned John to join the group.

John came over and said hi, with his eyes looking at the floor.  “What do you want Tom?”

“I want you to tell these girls your theory about the Bible and the noises and feelings.” Tom requested.

The girls chimed in together, “Please give us you theory.  We are hearing all kinds of things that don’t make sense and the army is opening up that old base on route 102.  It is all very hush, hush.”

Just then Mark walked into the store and overheard the girls, “Really, you want to hear that rubbish. Did you hear they are opening the old World War II army base?  I bet that they are doing experiments there and need the army to guard whatever they are doing.  That is where the noise came from and the noise was supersonic.  That’s what caused the feelings! Part of the noise that was so high that it caused some people to hear something and others did not hear a thing! Well that’s what I think.”

Tom interjected, “We were just asking John to explain his point of view.  Everyone this is Mark.  Now John tell us all what you said last week when we were talking.”

To be continued…..

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What is wrong and what is right?

Well it is school time again and Tom thought it was great.  He told his friends, “Christmas is the best season!  You get to do all these different things, and get two whole weeks off from school!”

John, the clumsy one, stood there listening. He was shifting his weight on his feet back and forth, side to side.  Up from behind cam Sasha. She bumped right into John on purpose saying, “Hi, guys. Did you have a good Thanksgiving?  I certainly did. Have a good day!  See you latter Tom, John, and …the Markster. Ha! Ha! Ha!” Off Sasha went to go to class. 

Mark said to his friends, “That girl can play ball, but she certainly is a weird girl.”

The other two shook their heads and said, “Let’s just go to class.”  Each one went to their classes. 

When school was over the three started to walk home and Sasha ran up to join them.  She whispered to them, “Hey, stop a minute.  I was talking to some kids today and they told me that they heard a noise last week.  It was really strange.  It sounded like nothing they ever heard and it made them feel really weird.  Have you guys heard it?”

John and Mark said together, “What are you talking about?” 

Sasha responded sharply, “Can’t you hear or understand English!  I’m taking about something that we don’t understand.  A noise and a feeling that is just not normal!”

Tom chirped in, “Actually I had a feeling that I didn’t understand. AND my great aunt had the same feeling, I think.  She told me she was ready. Ready for what I’d like to know!”

 John and Mark all looked at him as if you was really out in space. Sasha did not, but just stated as if it were a well-known fact, “ I know what you are talking about, Tom.  This feeling everyone is having happened at the same time.  And that noise was heard only by a few, but it was at the same time too.  Your Aunt probable is more aware because she is so very old!  What are we to do?  I think it is all about alien from outer space walking among us and we can’t see them because they don’t want us to.”

John added, “No Sasha, you are dead wrong.  These feelings and the noise are just a part of a government undercover operation, to secretly find terrorist sympathizers amongst us.  That is what is going on.”

Tom and Sasha looked at John and both said together, “What are you talking about!”

Tom added, “You must be off your rocker, really!”

Sasha shouted at John, “This has nothing to do with the government or anything else of this earth.  Don’t you get it, it is creatures from out of space spying on us!”

Now John cleared his voice and said very softly, “I know what is going on.” Everyone just stopped talking and stared at him.  “If you read the Bible you become more sensitive to the activities of the spirit world.  This is the Christmas season.  People all over the world are celebrating Jesus’s birthday if the realize it or not.  That means that the bad spirits are all around us trying to spoil everything for us who believe.”

Tom cried out, “No, stop, this is stupid!  You are all really of the deep end.  Listen to yourselves!  I’m going home now and don’t want to hear any of this nonsense anymore!”  With that Tom got all his stuff, turned his back on his friends, and walked briskly home thinking, I thought I was crazy with getting that feeling, but my friends are really out there like Pluto!  Really, really out there!

To be continued….