Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Inspiring Voices

Happy Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Inspiring Voices has the book listed on their online bookstore.
It went up yesterday afternoon, 10/14/13.  So now you can get information on the book and purchases, either soft cover or e-book, at three websites!
Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Inspiring Voices Bookstore!

Progress, now working on getting a author/book web-site up.

Vincent - the over grown frog in The Ninth Region Series

Vincent is such a fun character.  He is spontaneous.  He is funny.  He has his moments of wisdom.  As we get to know him is really a true friend.

In chapter 3 of War with the Ice Lady is where we first meet Vincent:

'The twins made a small fire. After snacking on some nuts, berries, and bugs, they laid down to rest.
A weird noise disturbed Gloria. Startled, she stood up on her hind legs quickly and looked around. She was ready to defend herself when she she heard a voice say, “What is wrong with you? I was only trying to stay warm by your fire. Is that a problem? If there is a problem I will certainly leave. I don’t want to leave because it is so warm here. Tell me if I can stay or or or not stay.”
Gloria looked down where she thought the big voice was coming from. She expected some strange animal that she had never encountered before, but lying next to the fire was a frog.  He was larger than most frogs. His height almost reached Gloria’s waist.
Gloria asked the frog, “What is your name and where have you come from?”
The frog responded, “My name is Vincent. As you can see, I have grown so very large.  The other frogs did not want me to live with them, so I traveled north to make a new home and new friends.”'

Friday, October 11, 2013

Just Sharing: Many kids have trouble in school.

Hi everyone,  Today I have tried to create my face book page.  I just don't know what I am doing so be patient with me.  It is under D. Scozzari.

Just Sharing:  Many kids have trouble in school. 
What I always have told my children is to do the very best you can.  Relax, share with your parents and teachers your problems.  If you do your very best and then try to do just a little bit better, then you will grow in that subject at your own speed.  Compete with yourself and don't compare yourself with others.  Everyone was made unique, work with what makes up you.  Sometimes having someone else explain things in a different way can help your brain to grasp the concept.  I was a tutor in college for economics.  Most of the students that came to me were taught by one particular professor.  I taught them the way I was taught and it simplified the thought processes for almost all of them.  You can't keep banging information in your head the same way and expect it to stick.
Food for thought.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Availablity update

It has been only a few days since the first book of The Ninth Region series has been "up for sale". (I must remember that patience is a virtue I need to seek out).

My search for The Ninth Region or War with the Ice Lady or D.Scozzari has been effective with Amazon for e-books (Kindle) and paperback books.

Barnes and Noble has it listed as a paperback, can't seem to find it listed for an e-book purchase.

Inspiring Voices search comes up with no listing to date.

I am still waiting for my web-site and business card consult so I can start getting out and talking to all of you.

e-book IBSN is 978-1-4624-0619-7
Soft Cover IBSN is 978-1-4624-0618-0

Once you all start reading I want to hear your comments on the characters.
The second book in the series is about to go to the editor, but I can still make changes in the third book, which is in the rewrite stage, and the fourth book, which is in the rough draft stage. 

I am also exited to get back to my other series.  The first book is call The Treasure Unseen.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I got my first copy of  The War with Ice Lady yesterday in the mail! 
Also, my publisher, Inspiring Voices,  is starting to build my web-site. If you have trouble ordering use these numbers:  ISBN for soft copy is 978-1-4624-0618-0, ISBN for e-book ordering is 978-1-4624-0619-7 (this number may not be setup, keep trying).

When I get enough e-mails from a city I can travel to, I will set up a book signing in your area.  So please keep me in the loop of your location and thoughts on the book. Hold on to that book so you can add the others in the series as they come out! I will also keep you informed on my books and promotional events.  Thank you so much for your support.